The exceptionally designed face wash for deep cleansing helps to rejuvenate the surface. This particular facial treatment is basically for all skin issues, including fine lines, wrinkles, pores, and regular acne.

This facial treatment is done by deeply cleaning the face, which helps to extract the excess oil and cleanse out all the dirt and dust particles from your surface.


Ultrasonic facial cleansing is a skin-friendly, extremely safe and exceptionally effective treatment. The treatment is performed using a modern ultrasonic device that deeply cleans pores of the skin, improves skin metabolism and reduces the wrinkles. It also moisturizes and nourishes the skin, and activates its regenerative processes. The treatment is painless and is suitable for normal, sensitive or problematic skin.


Also called a “decongesting facial” or “deep cleaning” facial, this treatment deeply purifies the skin and often includes rounds of extractions to unclog the pores.

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European Facial Treatment is a process of taking care of the face and neck through a thorough and deep cleansing and moisturizing. This is a great way of improving the quality of your skin. European Facial Treatment contains multiple steps which should be performed in a row. Otherwise, the treatment will not be effective.


An oxygen facial is a “non-medical” procedure created to hydrate your skin and support natural collagen to help you achieve a more youthful look. An esthetician commonly does this specific type of oxygen facial therapy in a spa; however, it can easily be done at home with the right products. Oxygen facials deliver condensed molecules of oxygen to your skin, more specifically, to your epidermis.


This is a special facial treatment performed using  24 karat gold as the main active ingredient. The procedure focuses on providing an anti-aging effect that helps to deal with deep wrinkles and visible fine lines on your skin. Not only giving instant skin revival effect, Cleopatra Gold Facial also stimulates collagen production for further natural skin healing process.

Cleopatra Gold works by having serum applied to deal with the wrinkles, followed by the application of a thick layer of 24 karat gold mask over the face for facial treatment. The procedure gives an instant nourishing effect and also stimulates collagen production for long-term anti-aging effects.


Salty sea water is good for your skin. The marine climate and many elements of the sea have long proven of great benefit to the skin. This is why sea salts are wonderful to bath with, and why many creams and serums are infused with sea minerals. Caviar is from the sea and therefore carries with it many of the sea benefits. Both your skin as well as the muscles directly beneath your skin are made up of protein, which is primarily composed of amino acids. Amino acids are vital to your skin health. The amino acids in caviar can be absorbed directly into the skin, which can help it to rejuvenate. This allows for the younger and fresher skin we all seek to achieve and maintain.

Your skin is most aided by skin-like cells. An interesting fact is that caviar cell structure is remarkably like human skin cell structure. This can actually speed up your skin’s ability to rejuvenate itself using the elements of caviar. Additionally, caviar is anti-aging, slowing down the skin’s aging process, and it helps to stimulate the production of high-quality collagen at greater speed. Caviar, like many other foods from the sea, is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids help your skin achieve a beautiful and radiant glow These healthy fats actually form a protective layer on your skin that helps it to shine beautifully.


Snail facials are a procedure where live snails are left to slither around on your face. This is done by first cleansing the face, followed by a toner and a quick massage with snail mucin products. Traditional snail facials use garden snails during the facial and let them slither on your face for a couple of minutes. But more commercial snail facials stick to snail mucin infused products and the regular facial steps. Bear in mind, no snails are hurt in the process of extracting their slime, and the facial also is a very humane process.


Microdermabrasion is a noninvasive cosmetic procedure. The specialist sprays or rubs fine crystals onto the skin with a wand that gently exfoliates the surface removing the top layer. The aim is to make the skin appear younger.


Hydra dermabrasion facial uses the power of water and oxygen to gently exfoliate and hydrate the skin. It consists of respectively cleansing, exfoliation or T-zone intensive care and hydrating the skin. Hydra microdermabrasion is a safe and effective treatment for every skin type and can address a range of concerns. Hydra dermabrasion facials are categorized in two types; hydra-clarifying facial and hydra-anti-aging facial. Both can rejuvenate the skin. The former delivers the additional benefit of fading dark eye circles and decongesting puffy eyes, while the latter increases cellular activity and improves muscle tone.


Diamond microdermabrasion is a method of skin exfoliation similar to peeling that uses a specially designed instrument to remove the outer dermal layer, most commonly on the face. It can help produce a more toned and youthful appearance and may help counter the effects of aging, disease or sun damage. The device projects very fine diamond particles onto the skin which loosen dead skin cells before suctioning them off thereby cleaning the pores. This stimulates the tissue beneath the skin to promote oxygenation and blood circulation. Diamond microdermabrasion can benefit both men and women of all skin types in the treatment of fine lines or wrinkles caused by aging or sun damage, acne, skin discoloration and enlarged or clogged pores.


Traditional microdermabrasion uses crystals to remove the dead layers of the skin.  The amount of crystals and the amount of pressure are controlled by the technician.  This gives the technician the ability to go as deep as needed.  The treatment can leave your skin smooth and with a series of treatments, you can achieve a more even skin tone and texture.

“Wet” microdermabrasion is similar except instead of crystals hitting the skin with pressure. The machine uses a diamond head tip that exfoliates as you pass the tip across the skin.  It is called “wet” microdermabrasion because the machine also uses special serums that are pushed into the deeper layers of the skin during the exfoliation process.  You will experience both suction, exfoliation and wetness from the serums.  The result is often similar except you leave with less redness, irritation, and your skin will feel hydrated.  There is also added benefit to the “wet” microdermabrasion because of the special serums.  Also it is able to choose specific serums that address acne, hyperpigmentation, and anti-aging or hydration.